31 Days of Living Art: Confessions of 2013

Some things I've learned in 2013.

There will be conversations you will have, and you'll know things will never be the same after those conversations.  Say everything you need to say when you have the chance, even when it's scary.  What you have to say matters, even if it's just for you.  Be bold.  Speak. 

It is so, so, so incredibly hard to find the balance between listening to wise counsel in your life and doing what you feel is best in your heart.  I still am trying to find that balance, but at the end of the day you're going to do what you're going to do, right?  

God gives you people.  Sometimes Jesus is a random text that came at the right time, a sporadic coffee date, a 2 AM conversation.  He gives us people and we get to do life together.  He knows what you need and he knows how to get it to you, and most of the time it's through people.  

Stop planning things and just do things.  Planning sucks the life out of adventure.  

Tell your story.  You matter.  

Make the things around you beautiful, even if it's just for you.  Even if no one cares or will ever notice. Leave every place better than you found it.  

Sit by the lake on a Sunday afternoon.  Lay on a blanket, read a book, take a nap, people watch.  It's good for your soul.  

When Fear starts to rear it's ugly head, kick it in the balls.  It buys you time. 

No matter how long you've known deep down that your parents will divorce, when it actually happens it's weird.  And you're allowed to grieve it and hate it and feel relieved all at the same time. 

You will feel like you won't make it...you'll make it.  Every time.  

God is good.  In every season.  In every situation.  In every joy.  In every heartbreak.  He's just good. 

There will be times where you hurt the people around you in ways you never thought you were capable of hurting them, and they will hurt you in ways they never thought they could.  Communicate, figure it out, move on, try to hurt less.  Don't dwell.

Be kind. Being angry/hateful is exhausting.

Don't be hardened.  Find things in others that restore your faith in humanity and take part in those things; be those things.  

Do your best in everything.  Laziness is overrated and you always end up getting screwed somehow.

Some days you will feel like the fattest person in the world, but you’ll want to eat a bite of that cookie dough in the fridge.  Eat a bite of the cookie dough.  You are not the fattest person in the world.

Live in a way that brings light to the dark places around you.  This sounds really cheesy, but really-do it.  Someone is depending on you. 

Do the things you know you should do, but don’t want to do (exercising, apologizing, not eating all the cookie dough in the fridge..).  It builds character. It humbles you. It makes you better. 

There is not enough melatonin/sleep aid in the world to cure restlessness—that comes from somewhere else in your heart.  Deal with the things that make you restless and you will sleep better.

Sometimes your opinion doesn't matter.  Chill out.

Don’t lose sleep at night over things that aren’t worth losing sleep over.  Let it go. This sounds really simple, but it’s one of the hardest things you’ll learn to do.

When your friends start to find the loves of their lives, be happy for them.  It’s ok to be a little jealous, but sit back and watch them fall in love and encourage them along the way; love is scary, and when you find yourself falling in love and scared to death some day, they will encourage you.  Be honored that you get to watch this part of their lives. 

You will realize that there are times to be a martyr, and times to let someone else be the martyr because you need your sanity.  Find a balance.

Sometimes you just need to scream a cuss word really (really) loud in the car with your best friend because therapy is too expensive/time consuming and it’s too early to drink a glass (or more) of wine.

Be willing to learn about the things you disagree with.  Close-minded people are sad…and annoying.

Whether it's grief or pure, mushy happiness: don't deprive yourself of either.  There's a time for both, and both will stick to your heart in different, necessary ways.

Do things that terrify you.

Whatever you do, don't look back.  Run like hell and be hopeful.  

Love Jesus with every part of your being, in every way you know how.  Trust that somehow He knows what He's doing with you, and that you are exactly where you need to be.  


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